Mark Faulds – The Alumni of Belmont House School

28th Jan 2025

As we approach our centenary year at Belmont House School, we wanted to look back, and reconnect with former pupils, near and far.

Here we have seven thoughtful questions that we ask our alumni focusing on their lives, successes, and the school’s influence.

Name: Mark Faulds
Time period as a pupil at Belmont House: 1978-1985
Current Occupation: Boeing Defence UK Lead Poseidon Pilot Instructor and RAF
Reserves Qualified Flying Instructor

How did your time at Belmont School shape your career path?
I always felt very motivated by the staff at Belmont. There was never any lack of encouragement; indeed I felt quite empowered to follow my dream of becoming an RAF pilot (I wasn’t that interested in airline flying). The work ethos that the teachers inspired made for a great approach to exams!

Can you share a key moment or memory from your time at Belmont that had a lasting impact on you.
I was “Oliver” in the school play (honestly can’t remember the year), and I loved it all. I think I might have fancied a career in acting (well, maybe not after the school play). The whole experience gave me confidence in public speaking; I guess I wasn’t really used to that, and since then I’ve quite enjoyed speaking in front of people. I did a few Burns Suppers as The Laird when I was an Exchange Officer in the USA, and it made me think back to school!

What skills or lessons learned at Belmont have been most valuable in your professional life?
I think the positive attitude from day one at Belmont has always made me a glass half-full person. There was a lot of work, and play, and I think I’ve strived to keep that balance from leaving school. I wasn’t particularly gifted on the sports field, but the encouragement from teachers like Mr Scott and Kilgour taught me to keep at it. I remember basic training in the Forces, and those sometimes miserable times on the sports field definitely helped!

In what ways did Belmont House School’s community or culture contribute to your personal growth?
I never felt alone at Belmont, and the sense of community really helped everyone to exist together. There’s always a stiff bit of competition in classes, but I can’t remember anyone being singled out or not being included. It sounds cheesy, but it really did feel like a big family.

Can you describe how Belmont’s teachers or extracurricular activities helped shape your future ambitions?
I always enjoyed the after school clubs. It gave a sense of adventure, and trying new things, which I’ve always kept striving to do in adult life. Mr Cohen’s maths class taught me to buckle down and get on with it and Mr Tornow’s Latin class taught me to behave! I can’t forget Mr Doak’s Chemistry classes. We all looked forwards to that, as there was always interesting stuff to do and try. And his teaching style (enthusiastic!) is something I try to do when I’m teaching people to fly.

What advice would you give to current students who want to follow a similar path to yours?
Just never give up. Do ask lots of advice from the Careers Advisors and do your research. Really try to do something that you enjoy, if you can! Don’t let anyone tell you “you can’t” (that wasn’t something I was ever told at Belmont). Mr Maguire was my career advisor, and sent me on the right path!

Looking back, how do you feel Belmont House School prepared you for the challenges and opportunities you’ve faced in life?
I’m repeating, but the positive, can-do attitude Belmont fostered, really has stood me in good stead. I think the independence the School gave me helped me problem-solve over the years, and taught me to never give up.

Our thanks to Mark for sharing his experiences – would you like to feature as part of our Alumni of Belmont House School? Please feel free to get in touch with Richard Doak via email:

Mark Faulds – The Alumni of Belmont House School