By the time pupils reach the equivalent of Primary 7, they move into our Transitus year where all the teaching is undertaken by subject specialists, preparing them for the demands of the Senior School curriculum.

Transitus offers a unique introduction to Senior School giving boys and girls greater responsibility. Although our Junior School pupils make extensive use of all of the facilities of the School, Transitus pupils move away from the traditional classroom environment of the Junior School and move around the School campus using all the specialist facilities of the Senior School, particularly in Science where they follow a fully integrated programme of study.

Pupils are assigned to a Tutor Group within their House. This is a vertical system and pupils stay in the same Tutor Group until the conclusion of Senior 5. This allows key relationships to be formed: firstly, the pupil with their Tutor, secondly the pupil with his or her peers who will be drawn from throughout the Senior School and thirdly, Tutor and parents, where the Tutor forms the first point of information both on academic progress and on general well-being.