The ethos of our Nursery is to provide a safe, secure, stimulating and happy environment which allows children to develop to their full potential. The children are valued as individuals and encouraged to experience all the key aspects of the Curriculum in order to help them develop holistically.
Welcoming and encouraging
The Nursery is an integral part of the School and provides flexible care for children aged between 3 and 5 years. It enjoys its own building and garden within the School campus and the children take part in many Junior and Senior School experiences and activities. Our Nursery children also benefit from the use of the School’s facilities and regular contact with Junior School teaching staff and access to the facilities and expertise of the school as a whole, including the Music, Computing, Modern Languages and Physical Education departments. As most of our children progress from Nursery to the Junior School, the establishment of these strong links provides a seamless transition to Junior 1.
Our Nursery has partnership status with East Renfrewshire Council.
Children progress at their own pace in a fun, stimulating environment enabling them to achieve their full potential.
The Nursery is managed by the Head of Nursery assisted by a well established, qualified and experienced team of Early Years Practitioners who demonstrate an excellent understanding of children and their stages of development, using appropriate play-based pedagogy in practice. They are skilled in questioning and have high quality interactions with the children. The team have excellent relationships with parents and carers.
Staff listen to children’s plans for their play which encourages the children to plan and make choices in their learning and staff consistently involves them in decision making. The views of the children are listened to and contribute appropriately within the Nursery. The children’s views are displayed in children’s work, learning journals, home learning journals, learning walls, all areas of the playroom and in our Big Books throughout the year. This positively impacts on the children’s self-confidence and well-being by giving them a voice in the decision making in their Nursery.
Communication with our parents and families is strongly fostered as part of the School’s ethos of close school/home partnership. Our parents have the opportunity to get involved in various Nursery experiences from parent meetings, volunteering opportunities, attend events in and out of school. Working together with our families to enable a rights respecting, strengths based, inclusive approach. understanding wellbeing as being about all areas of life including family, community and society, valuing difference and ensuring everyone is treated fairly. considering and addressing inequalities.