Duke of Edinburgh Training Expedition

1st Oct 2019

17 pupils undertook their Bronze training expedition in the Glen Orchy area recently. The weather was relatively kind to the three trekking groups as they put their tents up, and attempted to cook their own hot food over the stoves. The campsites at Pine Trees and By the Way were both used. All pupils managed after a fashion to boil water, and to then use it to cook their main meal. As always there is a real variety in what pupils bring and both Mr Stevenson and I were impressed with the sausages and bacon option that one pupil cooked to great effect. Pasta remained the most popular option.

The next day brought with it a mixed picture in weather and the three groups managed their 11 km trek without any incident and in fact all staff were impressed with the way the three groups coped with understanding the route and the use of map and compass. There was much evidence of good teamwork and leadership- well done in particular to Alexander in this regard.

The real assessed expedition is in the Callander area in just 10 days’ time- hopefully all will be able to work together and get through it. Many thanks to all staff who helped out in this important endeavour.

Duke of Edinburgh Training Expedition