22nd Aug 2017
Earlier this term, the Art and Design department and its pupils were delighted to receive an amazing delivery: American photorealist artist Doug Bloodworth sent a package to the department containing three beautiful signed prints of three of his paintings!
Ms McDonald had discovered Doug’s work while researching contemporary artists to inspire her examination-level pupils and had contacted him to request permission to use him as an artistic reference for them. In replying, Doug had said “I would consider it an honor to be included in your classroom studies of art.”
A few weeks later, a package arrived at school with not only the three fantastic prints, each signed by Doug, but also a wonderful letter to the pupils explaining a little of the ideas behind the paintings too. The pupils have loved looking at the work and reading Doug’s comments about the quirky elements that have been included. They have become a great source of inspiration in the Art department! The pupils even took inspiration from his nostalgic comic-inspired work for their ‘thank you’.
So a huge thank you, Doug, for taking the time to contact our pupils in such a personal manner, and for the lovely gift of the prints.
Doug’s incredible paintings can be seen on his website http://dougbloodworth.com and on his facebook page: https://en-gb.facebook.com/DougBloodworth/
Do have a look!